2545 8831
Bookkeeping Service
Section 51C of the Inland Revenue Ordinance requires every person carrying on a trade, profession or business in Hong Kong to keep sufficient records in the English or Chinese language of his income and expenditure to enable the assessable profits to be readily ascertained.
- Such records shall be retained for a period of not less than 7 years.
- Failure to comply with the requirements of the Ordinance without reasonable excuse may be liable to a maximum fine of $100,000.
- The records prescribed in the Ordinance include books of accounts recording receipts and payments, vouchers, bank statements, invoices, receipts; records of the assets and liabilities; statements of trading stock, etc……
The Focus of Bookkeeping Services
- preparing books of accounts monthly, quarterly or yearly;
- managing old book of accounts.
- preparing annual financial statements include Balance Sheet and Income Statement;
- helping in setting up accounting system;
- arranging stock-taking, etc.
Content of Bookkeeping Services
- managing accounting materials, filing systematically and computerized bookkeeping;
- preparing general ledgers, cash books, bank books, accounts receivable books and accounts payable books;
- preparing statement of bank reconciliation;
- preparing annual financial statements including Balance Sheet and Income Statement.